About Me

Hi, I'm Sabrina Xue! I'm originally from the suburbs of Chicago, and I now study Computer Science at the University of Michigan. Go blue!

As a child of a security architect, I've always been surrounded by tech as a child, and growing up, my fascination with the inner workings of the devices we rely on so often has only grown. Fueled by an interest in user-focused products, I hope to use technology to create a more accessible and innovative future for everyone. Knowing the talent that all of us have, I'm confident that we can use our collective passion to (as they all say) make the world a better place!

Outside of the classroom and workplace, I love to spend time in nature, whether that be hiking through Banff and the Grand Canyon or snowboarding at Jackson Hole and Vail. Taking time to step outside helps balance out the amount of time I spend sitting in front of my screen coding

It was great meeting you and I hope you have a fun time going through my website! Feel free to click on the tabs below to explore my skills, experience, and education:

  • Languages:
  • Software Engineering:
    Object Oriented Programming
    Data Structures and Algorithms
    Dynamic Programming
  • DevOps:
  • May 2023 - August 2023
    Software Engineering Intern at AMOpportunities

    Assisted with design, implementation, and maintenance of CI/CD pipelines for cloud-based apps. Utilized GitHub Actions to migrate 30+ code repositories from Gitlab to Github.Refactored pipelines and workflows to deploy code to AWS using DataDog and AWS CloudWatch to alert cloud-based applications
  • January 2024 - current
    Web Commitee Lead at Kappa Theta Pi Pre-professional Technology Fraternity

    Developed and maintained KTP website (https://ktpmichigan.com/) visited by over 100 members with CSS, HTML, and Figma. Led weekly committee meetings to mentor over 30 members in creating personal websites and add features to existing portfolios. Updated the website with important changes to the club, specifically renovating the executive board and members page
  • August 2022 - April 2025
    University of Michigan - Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

My Work

Machine Learning

Used natural language processing, machine learning, and supervised learning models to automatically identify subjects of Piazza posts. Gained experience with recursion, function objects, binary trees, templates, comparators, and map data structure. Leveraged Container Abstract Data Types, Dynamic Memory, The Big Three, Linked Lists, and Iterators

Dynamizing & Streamlining Repos

Operated serverless framework and Boto3 module to automate secrets per region with lambda functions. Integrated Slack into repos by creating changelogs applying to multiple pull requests to a single deployment. Utilized AWS-CLI to dynamically build a new staging environment by automatically generating ports, listeners, and secrets

Bank Wire Transfer

Simulated a real-time gross settlement system by reading in and analyzing a set of customers, transactions, and various queries. Evaluated runtime and storage tradeoffs for storing and accessing data contained in multiple data structures. Implemented unordered maps, unordered sets, input redirection, structs, functors, error streams, and conversions

Computer Vision

Coded an image resizing program using a seam-carving algorithm with C++ in Visual Studio Code. Extracted data from data streams to find and remove image “seams” passing through the least essential pixels. Grew skills in testing, debugging, pointers, arrays, structs, strings, streams, IO, and abstract data types in C

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